Oyster Recycling & Reef Building Initiative
Our Community Based Oyster Shell Recycling Program Includes:
•Creating an Oyster Recycling Drop Off Point at Honey Horn
•Organizing a Pick Up Route for Local Restaurants to Contribute Shell
•Hosting Volunteer Shell Bagging Events
•Building New Oyster Reefs
•Collecting Shell & Educating the Public at Oyster Roast Events

Oysters are a Vital Part of Our Ecosystem
one adult oyster filters up to 25 gallons of water per day
oysters build reefs which provide habitat for fish, shrimp & birds
oyster reefs are natural breakwaters that protect shorelines
A healthy and sustainable salt marsh and coastal environment for current and future residents and visitors to the Lowcountry of South Carolina.
To involve youth in outdoor experiences designed to raise awareness of and educate about the importance of a healthy ecosystem
To involve youth in programs that directly impact our local environment
To educate on the value of protecting and restoring the quality of these natural environments
To practice and promote responsible use of our natural resources
To emphasize recycling as a means of lessening our impact on the environment
Quote from Hilton Head Middle School 7th Grader Science Teacher Jackie Wilhelm abut her student’s experience with “Kids in Kayaks”
This is an absolutely wonderful experience for our students, many of whom have lived here their entire lives but have never been out on the water. They repeatedly ask if we can do this every day!! Jean and her team do an excellent job providing a hands on learning experience. The students were attentive to the instruction taking place and more interested in the content than I have ever seen them in classroom setting. Since returning the students will bring up topics and examples of what they learned on the trip. One key element in this though is the continued availability of funds for scholarships. With roughly 20% of our students unable pay the fees we would not be able to take the trip if funding were unavailable.
Kids in Kayaks is Sponsored By: